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Nothing teaches as failure – coaching-like post

Today I wanted to share with you one thing that became extremely important to me.

For me, starting new ventures is something amazing, which makes me learn the most. It’s all about self-awareness and personal development.

What I want to tell you today it may seem obvious, but like all the knowledge, it only becomes meaningful when it synergizes with an experience we just had.

Epiphany moment

Now to the point:

It doesn’t matter if you want to learn something new, take your career to the next level or start your own company – remember one thing – let the challenge be your teacher and treat the lessons it gives you with modesty.

I am a simple boy from a developing country who once dreamed of leaving his village, then being able to do cool things and eventually spending winters outside my homeland.

Long story short – it’s already been done.

Now my dream is to help others basing on gathered knowledge and possibly make a living out of that, to build something that will help people like me when I was starting my adventure in the IT industry, and maybe in the future to give a decent employment to those who also have dreams.

Nothing teaches me as much as failure

Now to the point. For me, starting another enterprise, another idea, another project is like a never-ending visit to a psychotherapist – nothing has ever taught me as much about myself, my strengths and weaknesses as every failed business.

This time, for example, I find out how much I still have to improve in terms of managing emotions, letting go, the ability to come to terms with reality and accepting things as they are without judging.

If you often find yourself thinking that “if I don’t do it, it won’t be done”, or “They will screw it up”, or that “you can’t leave anything to anyone”, that only (insert your only favored person here) you can leave a task, and only this person makes you sure it will be done well; then know that like me, you have a lot to improve in terms of management / self-management. I thought about myself as a person who is good at those areas until I got into serious problems in my own business. was like a litmus test, like stepping out of the matrix that 9-5 was keeping me in.

What I want to convey based on my observations of people who are rapidly progressing in various fields: this, that no matter what you want to become better at. You have to expose yourself for mistakes and starting throwing yourself into deep water, at least sometimes.

No matter what you, yourself must remain your best ally

Remember that the worst thing that can happen to you is that you will return to the previous point, only richer in knowledge about yourself, process, business, industry and richer in experience.

On the other hand, never clip your own wings and don’t let your brain treat it as a failure. The trial itself is a victory.

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Senior Software Engineer with over 7 years of experience and entrepreneurial background. Most often, apart from delivering good quality code on time, responsible for introducing good practices, teaching programmers and building team bonds andestablishing communication on the line of development-management. Privately Kākāpō and Wombat enthusiast, traveler and retired acrobat.