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Home » This Can Kill Your Career! Everything You Need To Know About Imposter Syndrome

This Can Kill Your Career! Everything You Need To Know About Imposter Syndrome

Programming is continuous learning, constantly encountering new problems for us to solve. We are at risk of not understanding something. In such situations, emotions can take gore. From this article, you will learn what impostor syndrome is. Understanding that will help you to prevent unnecessary stress.

What impostor syndrome is

When we read materials or watch youtube videos ‘I wish and knew’-like programmers, one of the most frequently repeated problems is the so-called impostor syndrome. It is a phenomenon in which, although we are qualified and have knowledge in a certain area, we feel incompetent. This is a very common phenomenon, especially among juniors, and can have many faces. A new person thrown into a large project may feel confused. Apart from the stress associated with a completely new environment, new problems, and the willingness to show up, or before losing a new job. Another problem arises – comparison.

One of causes, popculture

In pop culture, programmers are often viewed as having supernatural intellectual abilities. In action movies, we see them in scenes that are different from reality. Additionally, most of us learn to code from various tutorials. Online courses in which the tutor writes code fluently. You can get the impression that the entire application is created in one go. All from memory. It doesn’t look like that.
In practice, we google a lot and use documentation very often. We communicate a lot with each other. Explain parts of code to each other. The process of writing the code is preceded by analyses or and learning. Sometimes it takes a day or even a week to solve one seemingly simple problem.

How impostor syndrome it emerges

One of the causes of impostor syndrome or general intellectual discomfort at work is precisely the fact that in stressful situations. When as juniors (but not only) we are in a new environment. New code, new challenges, and all this come along with deadlines. We begin to compare subconsciously ourselves with the image that pop culture and tutorials instilled in us.

How to fight it

First, know that programming does not look in the movies or tutorials.
How programming looks like in reality I’m writing here. It’s crucial for you to get familiar with that!

Second, impostor syndrome it is not anything new! It is very popular in our profession. You can find plenty of materials how to deal with it on the internet. Just don’t take it lightly.

Third, It’s always better to prevent than cure, so do the best, what you can and don’t be afraid of asking for help.

Fourth, whenever you are feeling pressured, there is nothing to be afraid of. If you have been setting up the environment for a long time. Reading the documentation or learning something new. If you have the impression that you did not write anything and do not contribute to the company. That is completely normal. So long as you are giving your best, your work is going as it should.

Last but not least. Remember!

Do not compare yourself with anyone but you from the day before!

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Senior Software Engineer with over 7 years of experience and entrepreneurial background. Most often, apart from delivering good quality code on time, responsible for introducing good practices, teaching programmers and building team bonds andestablishing communication on the line of development-management. Privately Kākāpō and Wombat enthusiast, traveler and retired acrobat.