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Learn What Programming Really Is And Stress No More!

From this article, you will learn what programming is. Understanding this will allow you not only to decide if it is something for you, but also to better deal with many daily challenges such as impostor syndrome (more about it here) in the future. For me and hundreds of programmers, understanding and getting used to what programming is allowed to save a lot of stress, become calmer during everyday work and unforeseen situations. How we deal with certain psychological challenges is largely determined by our beliefs. Let’s start with changing those that may hold us back. 

What programming is not 

Nope, this is not programming

Many people, including programmers, have a misguided perception of what programming is. When we fail to live up to this picture during our daily work or study, we start to stress, think that we are missing something, maybe something is wrong with us. Let’s start by erasing this false image and answer the question: What is programming not? So that in place of the false one could insert another picture – the real one. 

Programming is not a quick tap on the keyboard to the rhythm of a ticking bomb in defense of humanity from extinction.

Nor is it a mental effort that only individuals with supernatural intellectual abilities can cope witMost of the programmers are not people whose first word sounded like an unfamiliar device straight out of Star Trek. Neither is it a constant sitting in front of the computer and writing incomprehensible instructions, and certainly not consisting of only ones and zeros. 

In contrast, programming is also not a continuous game of football table or on the PlayStation. Most programmers can move between floors using stairs, we do not need a tube-slide for that purpose.

What programming is 

Programming is writing programs – wiki definition . That is a set of instructions that are understandable and executable for computers. First, it is clear to other programmers and then to devices. Analyzing and solving logical problems. Defining, planning, creating, testing, and documenting their solutions. Thinking about different situations and problems in a specific (programming) way. Breaking down large “human” tasks into smaller, computer-executable steps. Programming consists of algorithmic thinking and the knowledge of tools that allow you to translate these thoughts into a language that a computer can understand.

What programming is in practice 

Programming is not just about writing code

Constant logical, analytical, and creative thinking. The never-ending learning of the craft and ourselves. The constant accumulation of understanding. Delving into an infinite amount of matter without seeing the bottom. Hundreds of hours spent reading someone else’s code and various documentations. Constantly wondering how something works, why it doesn’t work, and sometimes why it works. A constant need to adapt. Being a witness of new products appearing every day, while being at odds with what has been invented so far. The feeling that the more we know, the more we have to learn. Considering the pros and cons of multiple solutions to the same problem. Googling. Copying and pasting someone else’s solutions. Predicting what someone wants from us and what who means. Getting out of your comfort zone. Thousands of little wars with their temptations and temptations. Asking for help when we need it. Collaboration with all sorts of people. Realizing things that are new to us, often with the use of previously unknown tools. Many thousands of hours spent alone with the computer. Programming is not for everyone – not because of mental abilities, but because of individual tastes and preferences.

Commercial and ‘at home’ programming

Besides, programming your smaller or larger projects at home can differ significantly from working in a commercial job. If anyone imagines a programmer’s work as the continuous creation of new firework applications that are created over days or weeks. I must cool down this enthusiasm because this claim is partially true. 

Code, code, code, I see code, everywhere.

Of course, companies are different and one company can have hundreds of different projects. However, it should be realized that as programmers we write code first. Our task is to ensure that it is of the best quality. That is readable, easy to correct any errors in it, and scalable. The result of processing code by computers is all kinds of things depending on our plot. In most cases, it is ultimately something that a human uses on the screen of their device, while what we see most of the time is code, fancy applications are side effects, only. 

Scale of projects

So that often even seemingly simple applications are a layer of complex architecture in which dozens to hundreds or even thousands of people work. As I wrote earlier, there are a lot of companies and projects that are different from scripts for dozens of lines of code on a network of related applications and services. When getting into programming, it is worth realizing that you can land in a complex environment. When you start working commercially, you will statistically spend more of your time reading someone else’s code than writing your own. Often you will build with someone else’s bricks and fit your solutions into existing ones. And it is not up to you to decide what is to be done. Often these are boring tasks like fixing someone else’s mistakes. Programming can be like cooking, sometimes someone has to do the dishes. 

Nevertheless, at the root of each technology is a mass of very simple “human” concepts, the understanding of which does not require above-average intelligence. 

The purpose of writing code, on the other hand, is to meet certain human needs. Improving certain business processes, making everyday life easier, and even providing entertainment. We write programs, applications, games, i.e. de facto code for people and together with people. Therefore, the lion’s share of programmers’ work is communication. Apart from writing code, the programmer’s duties include document it so that it is easier and more enjoyable for other developers to use it. Taking part in many kinds of meetings. From design decisions, through various types of assessments, consultations, and reporting on project statuses. We often have to find out or clarify what and how should be done, or analyze, documenting, commenting on someone else’s code. 


The final factors are psychological aspects, while programming at home, no one will require us to do something on a specific date or in a specific way. In practice, an experienced programmer must not only be able to program but also manage his emotions. Know what and when to use as well as what and when to learn and even when to let go and walk away from the code.


Programming is not total idyll but also nothing extraordinary. It’s not just about writing code, but mostly about thinking. Code is merely a way of transferring imaginary solutions to a computer. Programming at work often differs in scale, complexity, and time-dedicated to the projects we do at home. In addition to logical thinking, programmers often have to deal with managing themselves and their emotions. Personally, programming has taught me a lot about how to think – as Bill Gates once said, and how learn things quickly, but also how teach others. That’s why I try to promote the idea of learning how to think programmatically.

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Senior Software Engineer with over 7 years of experience and entrepreneurial background. Most often, apart from delivering good quality code on time, responsible for introducing good practices, teaching programmers and building team bonds andestablishing communication on the line of development-management. Privately Kākāpō and Wombat enthusiast, traveler and retired acrobat.